A typical day will be organized around lectures in the morning and in the late afternoon, with ample time in between for independent discussions. The school will be organized around a set of 10 long lectures (7.5-9 hours) and 10 shorter seminars (1.5-3h) spread over four weeks. Attendance for the full duration of the school is mandatory.
Long lectures:
M. CatesActive Field Theories
E. DufresneExperimental Approaches to Active Systems
D. FrenkelModeling of the Microscopic Origins of Active Transport
E. FreySelf-Organization of Protein Patterns
R. GolestanianPhoretic Active Matter
J.-F. JoannyBiological tissues as active materials
M. KardarFluctuation forces in non-equilibrium systems
J. KurchanGlassy dynamics in and out of Active Matter (I)
L. BerthierGlassy dynamics in and out of Active Matter (II)
M. ShelleyFluid dynamics of swimming & active particles, from one to many
Seminar speakers
A. BaskaranNonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics of model active matter systems
C. BechingerActive Brownian Motion in Complex Fluids; Nanotribology of Driven Colloidal Monolayers
H. ChateDry, aligning, dilute, active matter (DADAM)
L. CugliandoloEffective temperatures in active matter
O. DauchotModel Experiments of Active Matter : at the interface between living organisms and theoretical models
S. FieldingComplex flows of complex fluids
Y. KafriStatistical forces in active matter
B. LadouxMechanobiology of collective cell behaviours
F. SaguesFeatures of interfaced and confined experimental active nematics
J. TonerWhy walking is easier than pointing: Hydrodynamics of Active Matter